Free ISA Health Check
Despite current low interest rates and worries about the economy post-Brexit, ISAs continue to be a very popular type of investment for many people. So if an ISA is part of your investment strategy it makes sense to take advantage of a free ISA health check, to find out how your ISAs are performing.
At Hartsfield, we offer a free ISA health check, where we review your ISAs against your risk profile, their performance, whether they are likely to meet your targets, and their level of charges.
Free ISA health check – the process
The process is straightforward and carried out either over the phone or by email.
You’ll be asked three simple questions: what is your investment time frame? What value do you hope to achieve during that time? What is your risk tolerance?
You’ll then be asked to provide us details of your existing ISA portfolio, including information such as the provider, the value, the date they were started and the amount paid in each year.
Within two working days we’ll produce your free ISA health check.
What are the benefits of a free ISA health check?
Investments shouldn’t be left to languish unattended, and ISAs are no different. If you have money in ISAs, you need to know how they are performing, which is more important than ever with the volatile markets we are experiencing post-Brexit. We’ll be able to tell you whether the level of risk you are taking matches the level you want to take; and we’ll be able to confirm whether or not your ISAs are on track to meet their goals.
And if they our report reveals your ISAs are stuck on red or have stalled on amber, we’ll be happy to give you further support.
Claim your free ISA health check
For our free ISA health check – get in touch.