Amy Brinkman DipPFS


Cheltenham and Bristol Office


Amy transitioned to a role in financial services in 2020, after completing Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies in Geology. After making the decision to move away from Geology to work in financial services, Amy has since been gaining experience in the industry working as a Paraplanner. Amy has completed the Level 4 Diploma and is actively working towards Chartered Status.


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Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning – DipPFS

The Level 4 Diploma meets the FCA’s qualification requirements for retail investment advisers, demonstrating core technical knowledge and financial planning capabilities across six core areas.

Financial Services, Regulation and Ethics (R01)

Assesses a knowledge and understanding of the financial services industry, including regulation, legislation and the Code of Ethics.

Investment Principles (R02)

Assesses a knowledge and understanding of investment products and the application of the investment advice process.

Personal Taxation (R03)

Assesses a knowledge and understanding of the UK taxation system, and the ability to analyse the taxation treatment of individuals and trusts during the investment advice process.

Pensions and Retirement Planning (R04)

Assesses a knowledge and understanding of an ability to analyse pension and retirement planning issues.

Financial Protection (R05)

Assesses a knowledge and understanding of an ability to analyse financial protection planning issues.

Financial Planning Practice (R06)

Assesses advisers financial planning capabilities. Tests the practical application of technical knowledge and planning skills already gained, supporting the provision of competent and appropriate advice.

Discretionary Investment Management (J10)

Assessing knowledge and understanding of the role of the Discretionary Investment Manager, and the ability to analyse and apply financial information and portfolio management skills.

Long Term Care Insurance (CF8)

Assessing an understanding of long term care contracts.

Financial Services Products and Solutions (LP2)

Assesses a knowledge and understanding of customer needs, including an understanding of key retail financial products such as savings, investments and tax wrappers.

Retirement Income Planning (AF8)

Assesses the advanced skills needed for advising on income planning to those in and approaching retirement. Applying knowledge and tools for formulating suitable strategies regarding fund withdrawals, investment risks, estate planning and other later life concerns.

Mortgage Advice (CF6)

The objective of this unit is to develop an understanding of the various types of mortgage product and repayment options and the giving of mortgage advice.

UK Financial Services, Regulation and Ethics (CF1)

The objective of this unit is to develop an understanding of the financial services industry including regulation and legislation.

Financial Planning Process (AF5)

Assesses advisers advanced financial planning capabilities. Tests the practical application of technical knowledge and planning skills already gained, supporting the provision of competent and appropriate advice.

What matters most

What matters most to Amy about working for Hartsfield?

Hartsfield stood out to me because of their emphasis on working together as a team to achieve the best outcomes for clients. Hartsfield genuinely cares about the development of everyone in the team and taking the time to understand where members of the team are best suited to fully utilise their strengths.

What matters most to Amy about her specific role?

I really enjoy the research and problem-solving aspect to paraplanning. I enjoy playing an integral role in helping to deliver great client outcomes. Coming from a scientific background, I like the technical aspect and how broad the financial services industry is.

What matters most to Amy outside of work?

Outside of work, I spend most of my time with my family and friends in Cheltenham, where I live. I like to travel and have previously spent eight weeks staying in a rural village in Fiji with my very own Fijian family. I really enjoy being outdoors and going on walks at the weekend (when the weather is nice!). I like to stay active, and I am currently training for the Cheltenham Half Marathon in September.

Get in touch

Ready to take the next step towards your financial goals? Call or email your local office to book a free financial consultation. Better still, pop in and see us. And if you’re short on time, just leave us a message here and we’ll call you.

Bristol Office

Cheltenham Office

Wiltshire Office